How to encourage and manage student questions?

“Effective learners ask questions and tend to be people who remain curious and who approach life with wonderment and awe.” (Costa and Kallick, 2008)

Kath Murdoch (2015) reminds us that … “inquiry teachers want their students to be questioners – to be curious, risk-taking, wondering learners who are thirsty to find out, critique and explore the world.”

What can we do to encourage this? And how can we manage questions effectively when they are raised?

Strategies to help teachers leverage the learning that questions potentially provide include:

  • Modelling a curious disposition
  • Valuing children’s questions and building their questioning skills and knowledge
  • Using thoughtful questioning and dialogue techniques
  • Planning learning experiences around questions

Kath Murdoch (2015). The Power of Inquiry. Seastar Education: Australia