Dr Patricia Wright visits Grade 5

Earlier this year, our fifth graders completed a Unit of Inquiry about traits and adaptations. On May 10, they welcomed renowned primatologist and Executive Director of Centre ValBio Dr. Patricia Wright to the ASA. She shared her vast knowledge of lemur adaptations with our students and informed them of the importance of conservation efforts. She also made time to meet with a smaller group of fifth graders to be interviewed as part of their PYP Exhibition project about deforestation.

What students had to say:

  • “It was interesting to see the different perspectives between a person who has just seen a lemur one time and a person who has studied them for years.” ~ Jacob, Grade 5

  • “It was really cool that Dr. Wright got to come to our class. I learned that the Aye-Aye has a rotator cuff on its long finger that allows it to twirl around, Exorcist-style!” ~Teo, Grade 5

  • “I learned a lot from Dr. Wright, like that there is just lemurs in Madagascar. All lemurs can see at night, even if they are not nocturnal!” ~ Marius, Grade 5